4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Mobile Responsive Website

    4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Mobile Responsive Website

    A Mobile isn’t just used for making calls anymore. In this day and age, it’s where more than 80% of business happens. With the rapid adoption of mobile devices by users across the globe, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that a mobile device supersedes desktop in sales generated.

    Having a mobile responsive website is not an option anymore, but a necessary prerequisite for a website’s growth. Here are 4 pressing reasons why you need to ensure you have a mobile responsive website:

    1. Google Loves Mobile Responsive

    More than 80% of internet users use Google for their Internet searches and the majority of those searches come from a mobile device. So it’s very much understandable that Google uses mobile responsiveness as a major ranking factor for its search engine. A website that is not optimized for mobile traffic will suffer in terms of decreased visibility, low traffic, and rankings for the targeted keyword. Ultimately, Google is all about giving their users the best experience. For this, it is important that a website accommodates users using hand-held devices as well.

    1. Boosts User Experience

    Customers love websites that are accessible from everywhere. They like being able to go through the pages of a website, without stumbling upon any glitches even if they are using a mobile device. They expect the content on your website to perfectly fit their screen size without the constant need for horizontal scrolling or zooming in/out. Just think about how many devices you own that lets you view websites? There are even smart appliances now that let you surf the web. It’s is imperative that your website is prepared to serve the needs of a set of diverse device users.

    1. Easy To Manage

    Having two versions of the same website- a desktop and a mobile site- can get cumbersome to manage. You also have to worry about separately optimizing each of them for the search engines. Instead, if you upgrade your current site to a mobile responsive website, you will be able to receive visitors from all devices and the management will be easy, too, since you’ll only have one SEO campaign to worry about. Also, as mentioned before, you can boost your ranking immensely by keeping your desktop website mobile friendly. Google loves mobile responsive websites because they have the same URL and HTML as its desktop version, which makes it much easier for the search bots to efficiently crawl and index the web pages.

    1. Loads Faster
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    Mobile responsive websites generally tend to load faster across all devices. Research shows that people will leave the website if it doesn’t load under three seconds. Does your site completely load on mobile devices in a few seconds? If not, then you risk losing significant traffic to your website. People love finding answers to their queries ASAP; it plays a major role in how a user experiences your website.

    If you don’t have a mobile responsive website that’s optimized to fit the smaller screen of mobile devices, know that you are losing out on thousands of potential customers and traffic. If you are looking for a talented Web Design and Web Development Agency that creates sleek designs compatible across all devices, the team at WebCliffe can help. Our expert designers and developers thoroughly test the performance of every responsive website we create on all devices before launching it into the digital space. Contact us to see how we can help!
